Thursday, March 01, 2007

A useful webmastering link (Site en français)

Le site offre en particulier un moteur de recherche de balises efficace et utile en cas d'oubli! :
- pour lse liens et les images :
- la mise en forme :
- et les tableaux :

Brand new job

After going through the efficient administration of my home school to get my certificate of diploma on last monday, I finally signed my job contract on last yesterday afternoon with Accenture.
The problem with foreign names in France is that administrative people never know whether it's masculine or feminine, and that "par défaut", they decide it's a masculine person... So I was only half-surprised when I saw my name written as "Monsieur Toky..." T_T alalaaa. I thought it was obvious that I'm not a boy and I was wearing a skirt that day (which is quite rare)!
Of course "ça ne va pas du tout, attendez, on va le refaire" said the kind girl (oops, sorry for the mistake, we will print it again). But it gave me more time to read everything in the papers...

I felt really stupid when reading this paper by the way: it's like they speak another language not really understandable. That cannot be French, it must be administrative French, yes..., that's it! Maybe they try to use complicated words in order to fool me?? But I finally signed it (just to find out after, that they wrote "China" instead of "France" in my current address... "Ouf", this time we don't need to print it again, we will just write the name of the correct country with a pen).
I discovered my function was "Ingénieur conseil Coefficient 100" and a few questions came to my mind.
Q1: "what is this Coefficient stuff?"
Answer: "TheCoefficientIsALegalClassificationDecidedByOurCollectiveSyndycateInOrderToClassify Employees" (she knows texts by heart the smiling girl, and said all that without breathing)--> it really helps to ask questions sometimes...
"So what does that mean?"
Answer: "This means you are a beginner in our society, so you are Coefficient 100" --> I will sleep a bit less stupid but I still don't know how they calculate the number.

I also had a lot of other questions as always. In France, some people call that "être chieuse" or "être chiante", but I call that "être curieuse" (curious) ^^ heyhey, and I am.
Maybe I will create a crossword game with all these new words in order to help students to understand what they are signing, that can be funny :p
I will think about it, but I guess my guitar is calling me...