Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pics updated

I updated the pics of my last trips on my webgallery:
- London: pics from my short interchange between HK and Paris
- Amsterdam: pics from early June weekend


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

[New old Cam]I finally got it!!

Hi all!
For the few ones who followed the previous episodes of my life, I was longing since a few weeks for a vintage Camera called AL-1 by Canon.
And I finally got it on monday evening at Floppy's place, along with many books, a pocket map of Paris so that I won't get lost next time I go rollerskating (even if getting lost is quite interesting since you can discover new areas of Paris...) and a Frog/Plush for my frog collection.

I also got more lenses than I need for macro-photography for example and others. I'm reallyreallyreally happy *_*. And for the story, the camera is older than I am and belonged to Floppy's grandfather.
I just need to clean the lenses, find a lens converter and I can play with my new toy for hours...
Here is a picture of the beautiful one:

Isn'it so cute?!